Note: Quotes taken from race reports on Race reporting by Rob Howard, Robyn Ferrar and Gary Vallance (and race HQ - person unknown). Thank you for your reporting SleepMonsters.
This race started with a prologue event on the Saturday. Fastest teams took around 5h30 and slowest teams only reached the finish after 10-hours of staggering around the mountains of Rhum, an island just off the Scottish coast.
It was on this prologue that a number of teams - many in the upper echelon - received time penalties for missing mandatory gear (2hr time penalty), breaking the 100m rule (2hr time penalty) and "a number of teams were reported not to have run all the way to the Papadil Lodge ruin as instructed but to have taken a short cut uphill beforehand". Big Brother, in the form of the GPS tracking units carried by each team, confirmed this last rule infringement; one broken/mis-interpreted by many teams. They were slapped with a 2hr penalty too.
The competitors then spent the night "camped out on the boggy grass in front of the castle".
On the sea

History has shown - very clearly - that when a race starts with a long, long paddle stage there are going to be some issues (you'd think they would learn?).
Although the sea initially wasn't very rough, it was sufficiently choppy to capsize a few teams. A couple others were blown Southward. As the day progressed, conditions deteriorated and our own McCain Adventure Addicts,a team of strong, competent paddlers described the stage as "very tough – choppy and just unpleasant". So began Day 1.
There is something that puzzles me... I cannot think of an expedition length adventure race held in recent years in which conditions on the sea/ocean, as the race has progressed, have improved? I definitely would not expect conditions on the sea, in any UK location, to stay rosy all day.
Portage and micronav
Team got off the water, portaged their boats and put-in on Loch Morar, "the deepest body of inland water in Europe, and fabled home to the Loch Ness Monster's sister, Morag". Instead of a calm 12km paddle on this loch, which lies between two steep mountains, teams faced "a tactical battle, as the wind whistled down from the slopes and across the water, altering direction and strength with every kilometre gained; teams were constantly fighting to hold their course". Nonetheless, the weary teams made the take-out and portaged again to reach CP4, a micronavigation stage with two course loops. They would do this on foot. The whole deal with the two loops is that teams arriving together were put on different loops so that they could not follow each other. I wonder why they didn't plan a Figure 8/Butterfly course layout?
Image showing tracking lines for Nike (brown-red) and Balance Vector (cream). Race route :blue = paddle, purple = micronav.
It was here that our team seems to have missed a checkpoint, gaining an additional 3hr penalty (on top of the 2hr one they received in the prologue). Even more demoralising is that they were also classified to the short course. I don't think that they knew about this until some time later and I have no idea why they missed the CP? Nonetheless, they were classified as short course and yet until they withdrew from the race 3-days later, they had followed the entire race route. I don't understand why they were given a 3hr penalty AND classified as short course. Surely the 3hr penalty would have been sufficient? At this stage they were in about 16-18th place.
More water, then bikes
Finishing the micronav teams were back on the water to paddle 8km across Loch Nevis - directly into the wind. For teams futher back, conditions did improve. With nightfall, the wind died down and the loch became still. First team, Wilsa Helly Hansen, reached T1 (paddle/trek transition) at Invernie just after 21h00. Our guys got in just after 01h00. This is where the first cut-off of the race was enforced.

Due to not making the cut-off, teams were sent on a more direct route to T2 - skipping the dog-leg. As you can see from the tracking lines, McCain - although listed as short course on the leaderboard - were actually still on the full course route...
During Monday conditions were "fantastic" with blue skies above. The "bitterly cold, northerly wind" took the brunt of the teams' complaints.
About short courses
I have a few thoughts about the short-coursing of 50% of the field within less than 24-hours of the race start...
A number of calibre teams were caught by the 03h00 Monday cut-off at T1. This meant that half of the field were out of the official stakes, although they remained ranked on the short course. This must have been very disappointing, especially for those with greater prowess on bike and foot than in kayaks. They could have climbed a few places over the next trekking and successive mountain biking stages.
The flip-side is that by T1 (13-hrs into the race for the first team) there were some 5-hours between the leaders and upper-middle field teams. This gap grows progressively - almost exponentially - as the race progresses, so having cut-offs and shorter routes does help to concertina the field. This means that marshals can be pulled from their position timeously, and moved to later sections of the race.
But... when you're in a 5-day event, you just don't expect to be diverted only 18-hours into the race.
The solution? Keep those early stages shorter and more diverse. This would cater to different strengths (paddle, trekking, foot, navigation) early on so that by the time cut-offs kick in - say 48-hrs into the race - teams would have had a decent period of time to prove themselves. Then put in some longer stages with options to leap-frog slower teams around the course.
From what I can see, the only "short course" route options were on that initial trekking stage (image above) and the trekking stage (image adjacent) from T7 to T8, where Balance Vector (cream tracking line) - in 6th place - and all those behind them were short-coursed for missing the Thursday 13h00 cut-off. I wouldn't count the canyoneering section (on the trekking stage after the swim across Loch Ness from T3 to T4) as a short course option. Teams bypassed this section when it was closed because of elevated water levels due to the rains.
A final point on this cut-off issue... by Wednesday afternoon, 3.5-days into the race, the front teams were 12-hours behind the expected race schedule. I would think that the cut-offs, like the one at T7 that caught Balance Vector, would have been amended to accommodate this and that the overall course would be shortened to bring the finish time for the first team back onto schedule. But that's just what I think...
Back to the race
So, from the first trek they start a long, long mountain bike ride on the "longest dead-end road in Britain" from T2 to T3 at Loch Ness. Within this mtb section there was a cut-off and "two extra disciplines"; a short jump beside Plodda Falls and a tyrolean traverse across Badger Falls.
Although race reports mention a "20-foot leap into a deep pool", it seems it was actually a 2-meter jump into the pool. McCain's Jeanette Walder, not known for loving canyoneering jumps even commented to race director Phil humphries when they reached T3, "Phil, this is great but next time you must make the jump bigger”.
It's probably a good thing that the jump wasn't bigger... Aberdeen Asset Management's Helen Jackson landed on a submerged rock, injuring her left buttock. She battled through the next three days, only withdrawing on Thursday at T6.
Back to T3... on Loch Ness. First teams were in at around 04h30 Tuesday, having spent a cold night on their bikes (that's to say little of their 2m jump into icy water - at night). It's at this time too that the rain began...
Next up was a 1km swim around a headland; 2 swimming, 2 in kayaks. In the tropics this would be welcome but in Scotland this meant a swim in 7°C water! A race report read, "There was little chance to warm up on the paddle either and no real shelter at T4 where they picked up Nordic Walking poles and set off along the tarmac road towards the canyoning stage."
10km into the trek the leading teams would begin the canyoneering section, led by guides. Again, cold water; "Teams were forced to catch their breaths in the coldest water temperatures in the race so far". I would have pleased to be one of the later teams who were able to by-pass this section when it was closed for safety reasons due to the rising water level. Teams missing this section received a 70-minute penalty (the average time taken by those who completed the section).
As the rain continued throughout Tuesday and Tuesday night, teams trekked and mountain biked. Nothing too notable on Tueday except for a widening gap between the front and the back and an increasing number of cases of hypothermia... expected in conditions of cold and unrelenting rain.
Race stats by Tuesday evening were as follows: 20 teams on the full course, 24 on the short course, 3 racing unranked (all UK teams) and 2 withdrawn.
Day 4 of the race, day 2 of the rain
Lots of rain-affected casualties; "The rain has had many casualties to answer for during day 4. With little to no shelter at transitions, teams are arriving to wet boxes sitting out in the rain."
Teams (not the leaders) were diverted on a long "short course" because of dangerous conditions in the Monadhliath Mountains between T4 and T5. Instead of trekking 40-kilometers through the mountains the teams walked about 70-kilometers on road. That's a big distance 4-5 days into the race, especially on road and in the cold and rain. Brrr...
By Wednesday night the rate of attrition had accelerated. When I woke on Thursday morning there were 19 teams on the full course, 16 teams on the short course, 3 racing unranked and 11 withdrawn. By Thursday night, following the 13h00 cut-off at T7 the status was as follows: 5 teams on the full course, 26 on the short course, 8 racing unranked and 10 withdrawn (yes, I know the unranked and withdrawn numbers don't add up when you compare morning to night - seems the status of some teams has changed to unranked). We didn't have any additional withdrawals today because the weather had apparently been "glorious".
This was a good thing for Nike and the others upfront, as they had to paddle and portage between Lochs on the way from T6 to T7; the Outrageous Portage Stage.
The race at the front

Wilsa Helly Hansen has raced a fantastic race. Nike is in the leadbut Wilsa is certainly in for a proud 2nd place. I can only say that it really is a pity that the 13h00 Thursday cut-off eliminated so many teams because now only 5 teams remain on the full-course.
As I type, Nike has left T9, the last transition for the final 15km hike to the finish at Fort William. they'll have to ascend Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Great Britain, on the way to the finishline. As always, Nike is exceptional.
My hat is off
I take my hat off to every team that just entered this race. I'd consider a 2-day event in the UK but never a 5-day race. The chance that your party gets rained on is just too high; and I'm not crazy about cold and rain. Good wet weather gear is crucial out there.
It does indeed sound like this whole area is very beautiful and scenic; a lovely vacation location. I'll definitely add to my list of "places to visit" but it will stay off my "places to race" list; horses for courses.
Well done teams. A brave effort out there, no matter how far you got.
I am enjoying your adventure racing comments Lisa. Scotland looks to be a serious challenge.
Have you mused about any epiphanies on the 'adventure motivation' we need to do these races...
"Summit Stones & Adventure Musings"
Mmmm... good topic definitely worth contemplating. When the ephipany on this one arises, I'll put it online ;)
I read with interest your observations on the ARWC. I'd like to offer some comment. Shall I do this on blogcomments or via email? I am at
Might be good to get the comments to you before your AR club meeting.
Cheers, Gary Tompsett - ARWC Course Planner
Dear Lisa,
I have now sent you an email. Dear blog readers, in my email to Lisa I have identified errors of fact and assumption in the ARWC report on this blog. I have also 'defended the weather' (if that were possible) as the weather was wet for 2 days out of 7, with the rest being very nice actually.
all the best in AR, Gary T
Note: Gary's comments (most certainly valid) below.
I feel it is important to correct some of the matters that you have written on and having read your report on your blog you have put me in a position whereby I need to defend certain aspects of the course and event. I would add though, that other parts of your report create valuable discussion points. Although we are indebted to you for helping with event exposure and reporting, there are several incorrect assumptions that you make in your reporting, that I would like to point out - please see below. I am curious to know if any of the SleepMonsters reporting drew you to these conclusions.
The Race Director Phil Humphreys may later add to these comments wrt race matters, but he does not have access to email at present. I cc Phil now.
I didn't actually meet McCain's at the event which is a shame. Friends of mine did. Team Superfeet - Unranked at the time.
From the front page of the za .ar site, it says;
'AR World Champs 2007 was a mixed bag with penalties, teams being short coursed and the relentless cold and rain.'
It saddens me that Scotland and the ARWC is presented in this way, and that the opening news point on the event is a negative one. What does a mixed bag mean? The penalties were required for rule infringements - rules set by the World AR Series, and interestingly out of the 49 teams entered (and with all teams being monitored and tested) infringements were from the 7 fastest teams (in the prologue) and later, by other leading teams on the course. We were not tolerating these misdemeanours. The short coursing of teams was essential to enable the majority to complete a journey route. This is of course a valid discussion point. Lastly, relentless cold and rain suggests that this predominated the whole event, which is just not true! Over a period of 7 days, there was perhaps 48 hrs of rain. The rest of the weather was sunny, breezy but dry, or benign.
Digging deeper into the report reveals more encouraging words from Tweet.
Certainly, the rain and cold weather in the middle section of the event (generally the long MTB stage for these teams) was intimidating, debilitating and potentially the backbreaker, but it is wrong to describe the week as relentlessly giving with this type of weather, when it was not. I know that McCain are a good team, and that we all travel the world to experience different environments, but to pin bad weather on this event and the race is unfair.
Then from your report on your blog; My comments continue in blue..
'Title: Another Race in Wet Conditions?' not true
'The race was plagued by wind, rain and cold.' not true
(All and any possible conditions were described in event pre-ambles).
'10-hours of staggering around the mountains of Rhum' Why use such words? Staggering! Most were running. It was awesome mountaineering and running.
'History has shown - very clearly - that when a race starts with a long, long paddle stage there are going to be some issues (you'd think they would learn?).' Lisa, this is almost derogatory. We had several step-down contingencies none of which we chose to employ. If McCain are as good as paddlers as their biog describes then what is the problem here? The kayaking was A1 grade experiential stuff - perfect action for the event, the participants and pretty standard West Coast Scotland stuff.
'Although the sea initially wasn't very rough, it was sufficiently choppy to capsize a few teams. A couple others were blown Southward.' Competency was generally good wrt capsizes. The teams that capsized were in tippy boats and had to make an adjustment to the conditions. They got back in their boats and continued. One team was rescued. The two teams that went south, navigated incorrectly in that direction - they were not blown south.
'There is something that puzzles me...' What puzzles you?
'The whole deal with the two loops is that teams arriving together were put on different loops so that they could not follow each other. I wonder why they didn't plan a Figure 8/Butterfly course layout?' This was because the land on the east side of this location was not allowed to be accessed by the landowner. Having the two courses running close would have unnerved (deliberate tactic by me) navigators on adjacent legs.
'About short courses.' This section of your report is astute and valid. Ideally we would have wanted more teams to progress on the long course after T1. If you could see the routebook you would see other short coursing that existed. Changing the cut-off's was not possible in this event. They were a function of forward and backward planning from immovable resource centres such as rope technicians manning hours (T7) or backward planning from finishing teams by Saturday midday (T7) or not being in a position to inform teams in sufficient time to adjust strategy (T1). The layout of this course, in the first 18hrs was audacious, and worked for us, if not for teams that wished that they had remained on the full course. The short course and long course convergence after T1 was essential and planned.
'It's probably a good thing that the jump wasn't bigger'...The injury to Helen was caused by a ledge rock as Helen did not jump out as instructed. The pool was over 30ft deep into black water. The water jump was 5m - 16.5ft.
Again, cold water; "Teams were forced to catch their breaths in the coldest water temperatures in the race so far" Water temperatures had been advised in detail before the event and the teams could make choices on wetsuit thicknesses. Some teams emerged sweating from the canyoneering section.
'My Hat is Off.' A fair summary - a shame that this does not prevail in the front end of reporting
Ok, nuff said Lisa, I hope that you get a chance to assimilate some of this. You might be kind enough to take some of this comment into your blog, or maybe Phil will add. A discussion on short coursing is one of the interesting outcomes from ARWC. We had 31 teams finish in a ranked position out of 49 teams. We are pleased with that.
Cheers for listening, Gary
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