A place to put my epiphanies
[e·piph·a·ny - n. a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.]
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Day 5 - Photos
Much of the road to the first aid station was like this; pine forests and creek to our right and Aspen groves on our left. Beautiful grass and flowers all around.
Lovely forested scenery and runners on the switchback path
Lisa D and lovely scenery
Entering the Vail ski area. This footpath took us to the top of the ridge via many long switchbacks at a pleasant gradient
Almost at the highest point, just before Aid Station 2. Lisa was waiting for me just up the ridge, while I was playing photo-photo ;)
At Aid Station two with one of the volunteers. Love the sign… (and hat)
Team Lisa prepares to descend
Aid Station 3, Mardi Gras theme
Team Lisa has a photo with a festive aid station volunteer
That’s Vail down in the valley. About 2.5miles to go…
Oh yeah, bring it on!
Team Lisa completes Stage 5! (that’s Gordon sneaking a jump into our photo…)
A really cool skier statue dedicated to Vail’s athletes who have excelled in the US and abroad.
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