Wednesday 19 June 2019

43 Days of Running is up

This year's annual birthday challenge, like that of last year, did not have as much impact on my life as in previous years. When I started this birthday game for my 35th birthday, it was at a time when I needed to focus on running; my schedule was erratic, I was chasing ideas and plans and deadlines, putting in a lot of hours and letting time for me slide.

Every year this birthday challenge has been grounding and a reminder that daily exercise and activity is not only good for me physically, but critical for my mental well-being too.

It was like this until two years ago when I got Rusty. While I may treat myself as second fiddle to other people and deadlines, this dog comes first in my life. And our routine is that we go for a run or walk or paddle or something every evening. We both need the exercise and it is great time spent together. So, even when I have been working crazy hours over the past year, I have still been consistent in my running because I go out with my doggy-girl.

The past 43 days have flown past and like much of the past year are a bit of a blur. Not all of the days were running. There were some paddle days and a yoga day and also some longer walks instead of runs, especially if Rusts and I had a harder run the previous day. I'm cool with that. I definitely think that I need to step up my game for next year - I've got time to decide what and how.

I celebrated day 43, my birthday, with a 10km road run, something that I do not do often.

I had spent most of yesterday on an out-and-back trip to Joburg to collect stuff for work. It actually proved to be a nice day as the traffic was smooth and the drive gave me time to think and just be. Waiting at our suppliers I spoke to family on the phone, responded to lovely messages from friends... I wouldn't have had the same peace at my desk with a full inbox and a long to-do list.

On my return to town, I have my mom a call and asked her if she could drop me at an intersection 10km from town, which she did.

She took the dogs for a walk while I was running. I had an awesome run and, with thanks to the cool weather and the hill running that I've been doing almost weekly for the past 6 months, I didn't even feel the hills.

At 8.5km I met up with mom and the dogs, picked up Rusty and we ran the rest of the way home together.

My day started with breakfast in bed and ended with a lovely dinner with Celliers and my mom.

It was a good birthday day.

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