Friday, 14 August 2015

I collect Stikeez

About two weeks ago, late at night, I saw an advert on tv for Pick 'n Pay supermarkets saying that for every R150 spent you receive a Stikeez. This is a small plastic creature-thing and it has a suction cup on the bottom so that it can 'stik' on to smooth surfaces.

I got my first Stikeez the next day.

I'm hooked and I've got a number of them now. I've received one or two from my mom (she is collecting too!) and we swap duplicates. I've given away a duplicate too (the purple head guy).

When I'm in Parys I like to shop at the new Checkers, which is shiny and nice. It has been around for a few months. The Pick 'n Pay was a bit dingy so I was delighted when the Checkers opened.

Yesterday I went to the Pick 'n Pay because I want more Stikeez. I can kick myself for shopping at the Checkers briefly on Tuesday because I could have scored another one. Aaarrggghhh - those marketers have me nailed!!! It was a pleasant surprise yesterday to see that the Pick 'n Pay has cleaned up their act a bit - I'll gladly keep going there until the Stikeez giveaway finishes on 20 September. Afterall, I have 24 different characters to collect.

But how is this...

Yesterday I popped into the Pick 'n Pay before collecting Ruben and Kyla from aftercare. I got three Stikeez. They come in a wrapper so you can't see what is inside. I opened my Stikeez to see what I got before even starting the car and tucked my new ones into my bag - out of sight.

The children don't know about Stikeez and I don't intend to let them know! I'll give my Stikeez to the them later but for now it is my fun collecting game. I haven't collected anything like this probably since primary school!

My friend in Cape Town has a lovely collection. I really like his sheep and yellow duck. I hope I get them too.

What have you got?


Carolynn said...

I hear you! I had to buy a vacuum cleaner the other day and went straight to pnp hyper - 8 stickeez! I was more excited about the stickeez than the vacuum cleaner! Pity you're so far away i'm looking to trade some stickeez.

Carolynn said...

I hear you! I had to buy a vacuum cleaner the other day and went straight to pnp hyper - 8 stickeez! I was more excited about the stickeez than the vacuum cleaner! Pity you're so far away i'm looking to trade some stickeez.

adventurelisa said...

On Saturday morning I took Ruben (7) and Kyla (10) with me to PnP. I didn't want to because it meant that they'd get the Stikeez (afterall, I couldn't not give them to the kids - could I?).

One of the two (my total was R28 less than R450, which meant I missed out on a 3rd Stikeez!) was one that I had already. The other was the hedgehog, which I haven't got.

How do I get it from a seven-year old? I'll have to get another duplicate Stikeez that he'd like more to trade. Oh dear. This is ridiculous! The rest of my shopping will be done sans children!

Carolynn - hahahaha.

I read this great blog last night.