Why, why, why do people find it necessary to throw their rubbish on the ground? Cans, bottles, food wrappers, packets - it is unsightly filth; and that's to say nothing of the environmental impact.
On Wednesday I visited three primary schools in Thembisa to observe the Mr Price Heros activity programme that has been implemented in these (and other) schools. The activities and games are fantastic; but the litter on the playgrounds and around the school buildings is terrible. Even worse... the children are oblivious.
I made a suggestion to the Sportstec people (Sportstec trains coaches for placement in the schools; and they have written the activity programme for Mr Price): their coaches should make the children pick up the litter before they start the fun games and activities. The children's positive behaviour (picking up litter) is rewarded with a fun session. The coach can point out to the children how much better their grounds look (instill a sense of pride in their immediate environment) and the improved playground surface due to the absence of bare-foot wrecking obstacles (we even picked up a large glass shard!).
I can bet that within two weeks the litter on the playgrounds will be drastically reduced:
- if they have to pick it up, they'll throw less down (= more time to play)
- the children will encourage their friends not to litter; if they're in the next class they'll have to pick up what their friends have discarded.
Will this work? I don't know. But, an attempt must be made to change this filthy habit; not only in these schools but also around the country. I hope to get another invitation in the coming weeks to head out there again.
As for YOU... road running... water sachets... Arrggghhhh....
Have you ever been a marshal at a road race? Have you ever spent 2-hours walking up and down the road picking up water sachets? Have you had to retrieve water sachets from bushes and road-side drains? If you can carry a full (or half-full) sachet 2km from a water table you can carry the empty sachet for another kilometer to discard in the bins at the next water tables. And, if you see anyone throwing sachets way into the bushes, tell them off. This is far worse than just dropping the sachet on the road, where the people cleaning up can easily retrieve it. Running a road race is no excuse to turn into a litter-bug. This is unacceptable behaviour. I tuck my empty sachets into my running shorts. Easy. This goes for gel sachets too.
I have spoken to Runner's World Magazine and they're looking into a campaign. We'd like to encourage runners to use the bins provided around water tables and eventually aim to stop road runners from throwing sachets on the road between tables. The road will be long and hilly... many bad habits to modify.
You may have noticed the banner (it needs a redesign) I put up on AR.co.za in July? It says, "Littering is naughty. Be good. Be clean. Be green." <-- my own little slogan. I urge you to be good and to postively influence those around you.
Would you believe that I found a little mpeg online with the Zibi song? The video footage isn't part of the original '80's campaign, but it is neat anyway.
My second area of comment for this posting; batteries.The Zibi Song
When you've chomped your chips and your drink is done,
you've smoked your smoke and chewed your gum,
"Don't be the creep who mocks the streets!"
Zap it in a Zibi... Zap it in a Zibi... Zap it in a Zibi can.
When the game is through, when your team has won,
you've crushed your can, you've had your fun,
"What a disgrace to mess this place!"
Zap it in a Zibi...Zap it in a Zibi...Zap it in a Zibi can.
When you're on the road and you want a snack,
a drink, a pie or a sandwich pack,
"Don't be the punk who spreads the junk!"
Zap it in a Zibi...Zap it in a Zibi...Zap it in a Zibi can.
Hey, what happened?.
With AR we race through batteries for headlamps and bike lights. I not only resent dishing out dosh for something that I'll have to throw away; I have a fixed image in my mind of these things sitting in landfill for millenia, leaking acids and failing to degrade. Just awful.

The good news is that rechargeables are a much friendler price now than they used be; such that you've made up your money (and more) after two re-charges. And, the batteries can be recharged hundreds of times.
My next move is to buy more rechargeable batteries for my headlamps and bike lights. I'd like two sets of rechargeable batteries for my leadlamps, which I'll recharge before the races. I'll use them during the races with regular, unrechargeables on standby, incase they are needed. So, instead of going through 2-3 sets of throw-away batteries on a two day race, I may not go through any; recharging when I get back home.
This will not only save money (I feel that buying batteries over and over is equivalent to flushing cash down the drain) but will support my environmentally friendly inclinations. Try it too.
That's it for tonight. Nighty-night.