A place to put my epiphanies
[e·piph·a·ny - n. a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.]
Friday, 13 December 2019
Defying reason
Sunday, 8 December 2019
Moving and reducing
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
A good funeral
This was a good funeral in that it was for a remarkable 92-year old woman. 92! That's a good, long life. Olive was sharp and with it until the end. She was not well these past months and she slipped away at home, with her daughter nearby.
Funerals for people who have not yet seen out their lives are sad affairs indeed.
For this one, I was sad for my friend and what she has been through caring for her mom, but not for Olive. She was a remarkable woman and an inspiration of how to grow really old beautifully.
At her funeral were her five children and a bunch of grand and great-grand children. How fortunate these grand children are to have grown-up with Olive in their lives and to have actually known her as older teenagers and adults and not just from the perspective of a young child.
The number of relatives present today and their collective memory that will span decades more is a wonderful celebration and legacy of Olive's life.
This was a good funeral that marked the end of a long life well lived.
Monday, 2 December 2019
Big youth group for two-day river trip
The section that we chose for this novice group was primarily flatwater on the river but with highlights for each day. On Day 1 we stopped for lunch at Candy's Lodge in Vaal Oewer for filled rolls, fruit and copious amounts of iced water. We then went down the kayak chute of the Goose Bay weir. The water level was just right for a fun, safe run. We ended the day at Camp Riverlake where the group slept overnight.
On Day 2, the paddlers enjoyed a few kilometres of paddling and then some kayak games followed by a snack stop at the lovely Kedu River Lodge. The pool was a welcome attraction and distraction from the day's heat.
Then, it was time to go down two rapids (the first runs into the second). At this low water level it is good fun with no scary bits. Shortly after the rapid, we reached our take-out at Bly of Gly, a spot popular with fishermen for hefty catches. We quickly ate lunch before the buses departed to head back to Jo'burg.
I usually paddle a Vagabond Marimba kayak, which at 4.5m long is like a cross between a surfski and a rec kayak. This weekend I paddled a Tarka, a kayak perfectly suited to those who weigh less than 90kg (and still has carrying capacity for gear). This is a superb kayak and is now officially my second favourite kayak from our range. It is a perfect women's kayak as it has an ideal size that makes it easier to lug around and to manoeuvre.
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Thank you to Rene for this photo. |
We look forward to hosting them on another section of the river next year.
Vaal Explorer 2019 Awards - silver!
Vaal Explorer is a magazine & website, Facebook platform that promotes tourism in the greater Vaal region - from Heidelberg to Venterkroon and Vredefort, including all kinds of little places you've never heard of.
This region is on Jo'burg and Pretoria's doorstep and the offering of places to stay, restaurants and cafes, spas, activities, operators, galleries, and wedding and conference venues is as good and better than anything you'll get in popular far-flung locations.
This Awards evening was held at the Three Rivers Lodge in Vereeniging - I'd never heard of the place. What a lovely venue it is. The Awards so impressed us for the places and services that won bronze, silver and gold awards. This should be drawn up as a must-visit list in the region of the quality and diversity of the offerings.
Vaal Explorer's Petra Stuart is passionate about tourism and this region and in promoting all that there is out here. Petra and her son Brandon are the people behind Vaal Explorer - they are doing wonders for our region.
We were chuffed to be a nominee for the awards but even more so that we received a silver award.
Although awarded jointly to me and Celliers, this award is certainly a tribute to Celliers' almost two-decade contribution to putting Parys on the map with his acclaimed kayak designs, the creation of his first kayak company and now our company Vagabond Kayaks, which manufactures kayaks in Parys and, the writing of his books 'Run the Rivers of Southern Africa' and 'African Veins'. In the paddling industry and community, this has put Parys, paddling and the tourism elements of the area on the map.
For me, it was inevitable that my two decades spent organising people and events would be carried into the four years that I have lived in Parys. From my Forest Run trail run in the Vredefort Dome to being Event Director for the Parys parkrun and now my kayak-centric focus with Vagabond Kayaks, Paddling Race and Paddle With Us, I'm just getting warmed up.
This award was more in an individual capacity than strictly Vagabond for our proud, individual representation of Parys and all that this town has to offer. Celliers and I are only at the beginning of what we aim to accomplish for our town, community and for the activity of paddling.
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
Celebrating the end of a relationship
The start of a relationship is always celebrated, yet the ending tends to be hidden while word goes round in hushed tones. Personally, I like to celebrate the end of relationships in a nod to the past that sculpts who we are now and for the opportunities that the future holds.
The time has come for Celliers and I to end our personal relationship. We've been together for five-odd years, living together in Parys for four. We've faced challenges that no relationship should have to go through and this has taken its toll.
You'll be pleased to know that Celliers and I do not hate each other. We still work together and we have many projects on the go. One thing that we do very well is to work together. Our skills and talents complement each other and there is no way that either one of us alone could have created what we have with YOLO Green, then Vagabond Kayaks and now Paddle With Us these past three years.
Friends, we do not need to divide you up. You can invite us to the same events, dinners and braais :)
Three cheers to the past, present and future.
In Celliers' post on Facebook he writes:
"I could not have said it better. Lisa and myself have had an incredible 5 years together, with some amazing highs and some serious lows. We are parting ways on the best of terms. Friends for life and partners in business. As Lisa wrote, our skills complement each other and we will continue to build on the different businesses we started together and tackle new projects.
Yes friends, absolutely no need to choose between us. We share the same social community and there should be no division of any sort. Thank you all for your support while we piece together our individual futures, which will no doubt involve each other, one way or another."
Sunday, 27 October 2019
Vaal River Overnight Kayak Tour
The difference in our paddlers from Day 1 to Day 2 was significant. By Day 2 they were blasting into the small rapids and handing their kayaks with significantly more confidence - I find this immensely rewarding to watch how they improve so quickly.
This really is a lovely section of river and we look forward to more of these monthly trips throughout summer. A few snaps from the weekend.
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Lunch stop on One Tree Island |
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Camp shower at our pop-up private campsite on the river. Bliss! |
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Composting toilet at our pop-up private campsite. Cover with sawdust - no odour, no mess. |
Building a garden for The Joburg International Flower Show
Dan created our design for a kitchen courtyard garden - it is charming. What I love most about it is that you'll look at our garden and think, "This is awesome, I can do something like this in my courtyard / small garden space". And you can!
Dan had a clear plan for the week starting with the layout of the site on Monday and brick laying of the pathway and perimeter to installing our wall and washing line, the planting boxes, and then the planting and finishing touches.
What was really exciting is that we use my pre-production YOLO Concrete Mixer to mix the concrete to plant poles. The one challenge we'll have in the marketing of this unit is really around behaviour change. If you've mixed concrete in a wheelbarrow for 15 years, it will take a bit to change to using something that is neater, cleaner and more convenient purely because it is different.
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Compost delivery - kindly sponsored for our show garden by Stanler Farms. This compost is so rich. |
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Paved walkway. We used bark chips in the gaps and for the rest of our flooring. |
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Heritage Day paddle with friends
(FYI - We still have places open for our trips - one weekend a month in October, November and December).
With thanks to my friend Chris for planting the seed to get on the water - I'm so glad that he suggested it. Unfortunately Chris had a small op the day before to reattach a thumb tendon (a fall down Balloch Wall a week earlier!) so he and Sanet didn't get to paddle their Mazowe, but they did come to hang out - waiting for us at the take out.
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Off we go. Four Vagabond Mazowe doubles. Photo by Chris. |
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Orange circle shows the location of a Goliath heron. We saw quite a few. This guy just watched us pass. |
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Celliers and Kyla |
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Alan and Allison |
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Fred and Debbie |
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That's my mom paddling into this small rapid - I took the photo. |
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This is my mom again on a flatwater section. So pretty. |
I took a bunch of photos along the way. A highlight for me was finally stopping to picnic on 'One Tree Island'. Karen and I named it this some time back because... it is a small island with one big gum tree. It exceeded my expectations. Great picnic spot. I always fly past it, chasing time.
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Picnic on One Tree Island |
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What a great spot! |
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Approaching the take out. Photo by Chris. |
The Hill - first running
This hill is a bugger. I can't run the whole thing (yet) without walking.
From the first day that I came here, a plan began to form: to do a hill challenge event. My idea was that is would work much like the 'Crazy Kay' that I used to organise for AR Club in the early to mid-2000s on a one-kilometre stretch of road.
The participants were provided with the distance from start to hilltop (2.3km) and the gradient (150m elevation gain with a max 23% slope), and they were then asked to write down the time that they thought it would take to get to the top. Participants were allowed to run with watches but were asked not to look at the time until they pressed the stop button at the top.
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There is a cement strip from 1.5km, which makes the surface easier - but the gradient is not! The route itself is not linear - it winds as it climbs. |
A chance conversation with friends on Saturday morning led to the first running of 'THE HILL' on Sunday afternoon. What a blast!
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Runners, walkers and dogs (Rusty and I were not in the photo because we took it. Celliers was already on the way up.) |
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Mandatory selfie - I'm at the back. |
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Celliers, Ruben and Kyla came through to enjoy a walk up. |
Sunday, 15 September 2019
parkrun milestone - 100th Volunteer Occasion
So why, you ask, have I only run 11 parkruns in a year (and only 5 logged parkruns this year!)
Late last year, parkrun forbid volunteers from running before the official 8am parkrun start, doing their volunteer duty from 8am to 9am (or there abouts) and then being included on the parkrun results for their self-timed run.
We are a small parkrun with around 30-40 locals at each event; our numbers are often doubled by visitors. Our volunteers are the same-same people each week. They love running and they enjoy volunteering. We would meet at 7am, run the parkrun route - opening gates and picking up litter at the same time - and then do our volunteer duties.
With a small pool of people who volunteer, we don't have the luxury of non-core volunteer roles that allow for participation too. These roles include 'equipment storage', 'results processor', 'media' and the like. What a joke! We only have volunteers are needed for timekeeping, barcode scanning, tokens and turnaround marshal. Sometimes we have a tailwalker. We can get by, and we do, with three volunteers plus RD: two timekeepers, a turnaround marshal and the Run Director doing barcode scanning AND tokens. We all jump in with pre-event setup and packing up.
For some time we continued with volunteer runs even after I had phone calls from parkrun telling me that we couldn't do this. I told them straight that I didn't agree with their ruling and that it would have a serious effect on us. It did.
We were, of course, under the spotlight and our results were being checked. I received a not-so-friendly email telling me to delete the results of those volunteers who ran before parkrun. I couldn't do that to them.
We stopped the volunteer runs. Some of my regular volunteers need their Discovery points; so they rarely or no longer volunteer. Others have little other opportunity to run in the week and so they volunteer less often so that they get to participate on a Saturday morning.
Where before there would be five of us on route at 7am, on my run Director days this year I've been out there at 7am - on my own. Why should the volunteers get up earlier than necessary to run for no parkrun points when they can enjoy a warm afternoon run on a route of their choosing (if they run/walk at all on Saturdays). Even now, I don't always run the whole route - at 07h30 I just run to open the gates and then I return to the start to setup.
Our volunteers are awesome (the same-same people generally), but we've lost something.
Why did parkrun introduce this no pre-run ruling?
They said it was because of safety.
This is bull because if I am the turnaround marshal, I stand 1km from the start, on my own, on a public access road, with my mobile phone in my pocket. A sitting duck until the runners start coming through. Now, without other volunteers, I run on my own in the morning on a public access route with not many other people around. My safety is more compromised than on a volunteer run with other volunteers for company.
They said it was because their public liability only kicked in from 8am. This is rubbish too. Their public liability should cover from at least an hour before the start as people arrive early at the very busy parkruns to get parking and volunteers are also very early at some events to setup.
They said that parkrun in the UK never had volunteer runs and it all works quite fine there. Sure, and it works mostly quite fine here except that small parkruns are under pressure and there is a lower level of volunteerism here than in the UK. South Africa has a culture of volunteer runs in the running club environment where volunteers at club-hosted races run the weekend before their event. I enjoyed this privilege myself for many years as a volunteer marshal at a big 21km event organised by my first running club.
parkrun rides on the goodwill of volunteers who, without compensation, ensure that events happen every Saturday around the country. Rain or shine. We use our personal mobile phones with a downloaded app for timing and scanning (the original provided barcode scanners and timers are obsolete). We clean the routes, pick up litter, deal with any access/permissions. Not parkrun. Us.
No volunteers. No parkrun.
I used to get so worked up about people cheating at parkrun. I've heard all kinds of tales from other parkruns where people join the route halfway or they skip a loop... As this is hard to police, these people still get their parkrun times, Vitality points etc. This was brought up at an annual parkrun convention where the people from parkrun UK were in attendance (I wasn't - I received this feedback second-hand). They told the event directors not to stress about this; that it wasn't worth making their lives more challenging by implementing policing strategies. Vitality's perspective on this was apparently that parkrun gets people out and active, which achieves their aim of better health and fitness of their clients. Whether people run the full 5km or only 2km, that the cheater got out of bed, walked/drove to parkrun and did a few kilometres, is better than if the person stayed in bed and did nothing active.
I really appreciate these perspectives. They are correct. I've been far more chilled about this kind of thing ever since. I don't like it, but I don't see red.
What I don't get is that this is ok but volunteer participation is not? I still don't get why parkrun is preventing the people that they depend on to make this organisation possible from participating.
So, this explains why I have only done 11 parkruns in almost 12 months. For most of this past summer, I wasn't in town on Saturdays and when I was, I was Run Director and I ran early - but didn't log those runs to avoid getting nasty emails from parkrun.
There have been around 32 Saturdays this year so far. Since January, have been Run Director 13 times, I've run only 5 parkruns officially. I was out of town a lot for the first few months of the year. And the rest? I've had little motivation to run at parkrun.
So, I celebrate this milestone with mixed feelings. It is nice to have a measure of what I've put into my community and the return is in the friends that I have made and the pleasure of enjoying the successes and milestones of our parkrunners.
I totally subscribe to parkrun's values and I uphold them through my action of volunteering. Seems to me that volunteers to parkrun are like the cobbler's children who have no shoes.
We've got about 15 weekends left this year. I'll be RD for at least 4-5 of them. I'll be away for some others. I've got 7 parkruns to go until my 100th parkrun milestone. Will it happen this year?
Thursday, 12 September 2019
Is paddling on your radar?
I would have been so good at gymnastics! I've always had an aptitude and affinity for anything with strength, balance and neat tricks, which is probably why I so loved pole dance and circus school as an adult - and I still love the challenge of yoga balances.
Unless children (and adults) have an opportunity to try an activity or for the sport to be placed front-and-centre on their radar, they're unlikely to know that it even exists.
Our town has a monthly market that attracts local and out-of-town visitors. It is near a spot on the river, which makes it well placed for a bit of 'market research' from us.
We gave this a try this past Saturday, taking along our children's Kwando kayaks and also the Tsomo kayak, our shortest adult kayak. The area is not big, but it is sufficient.
This plan worked a treat and we had lots of children coming to paddle as well as an grandpa with his young granddaughters, a super cool aunt who paddled with her niece and a number of first-timer adults. We generally have really good success with people at demos specifically because we have the right kind of kayaks with our Vagabond Kayaks - they are designed to be great to paddle.
There was one boy in particular that caught our attention. He absolutely loves paddling. It seems that his dad, who lives in KZN, paddles surfski. This boy spent hours on the water and really got the hang of catching eddies and paddling in the little bit of current. He is totally the right type of child to get into the sport. We did chat to his mom about bringing him to our paddling club for coaching with Celliers. They live in Vanderbijl - so we'll see if anything comes of this. I certainly hope it does because this boy has a natural ability and affinity for paddling.
We'll probably try this monthly - getting a better feel for interest and ages - with the aim of growing children's paddling and bringing about awareness to parents that the sport of paddling is accessible to them and their children.
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Children take to paddling our Kwando kayaks like ducklings to water. |
First woman and dog at SPCA night run
It turned out to be the most perfect evening - the temperature was just right.
Of course, Rusty was a monster before the start - at timetrial, parkrun and myrun too! She likes to bark and gets so excited - totally embarrassing! Fortunately, after the first 200m of running she is again a perfectly behaved girl.
She did very well on the 5km and seemed happy to see the finish because she didn't want to turnaround to head out again to catch my mom. It took a bit of convincing and then she trailed behind me (she is usually in front or to the side). For the next 500m, I almost dragged her and then she seemed to realise that she wasn't getting out of this and she picked up the pace again. Luckily for her, my mom was only another 200m away but when I handed her over, Rusts then wanted to watch me running of instead of walking to the finish with my mom. Mom says it took a while to get Rusty moving towards the finish. Funny girl. At the finish, my brown girly was waiting so patiently, looking out for me. My heart!
There weren't many of us on the 10km. I had a really strong second 5km but there was no way that I was going to be able to catch Elise. She led from the start and must have ended a good 500m ahead of me. There were no guys ahead so that would have been a one-two placing for us.
The turnout wasn't as good as in March, but there was a decent crowd - and a good number of dogs (some we know from parkrun and myrun). There was a prize for the first man & dog and first woman & dog. Hendrik with his young spaniel were ahead of us; Rusts and I got the woman & dog prize. We received a lovely gift bag with goodies for Rusty (toy, ball, shampoo and munchies) and for me (chocolate).
Our Parys SPCA went through a rough time about a year back and NSPCA stepped in to take charge. The new committee has made a huge effort to raise funds, upgrade the facilities and to improve governance.
Thank you to Lorette, all her helpers and Parys SPCA for a lovely run. xxx
Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Crater Run 10km win
I was last out at Attie's (from Anatomic and RIDE magazine) farm - Koedoeslaagte - in April 2010 for a circuit race that he hosted. In the intervening years, Attie has put in a huge amount of work creating a trail network, especially for mountain biking, which is his main focus. They host schools MTB events, training camps and the annual Crater Cruise and now the Crater Run.
The 10km run route was a treat. The morning started chilly - 3.5°C when I arrived at 7am - but it warmed quickly for the 7.30am start. The route starts off following the smooth and wide mountain bike trails on the river side of the main road, climbing gently to the road crossing. The winding track is good fun. We then crossed the road for the hillside trails, which are steeper and more rocky. I remembered the climbing from the circuit race!
I worked the hill well, taking two short walks on the steepest section and playing 'rally car' on the winding descent. Crossing the road, we were back on the smooth trail and I was feeling great so I let my legs out, working hard to the end.
The lady who came second was ahead of me until the last kilometre or so. I actually thought that she was on the 8km route, which had merged with the 10km route, as I passed her easily. She must have gone out faster than me from the start (mornings hit me hard!), which is why it took me so long to catch her. I was in my groove and moving very well on the last section.
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
What would you do all day if you didn't have to work?
Work and having to make a living gets in the way of spending time on other projects that I'd like to get around to.
Although Parys is a town with young (like me) people, there are also a lot of retired folk who spend their days at home. My parents are also of an age where their friends are retiring (although many of them are going strong and working over the age of 65).
What are they all going to do with their days?
Every town and city in South Africa has people-in-need; from babies and children in care facilities to the very elderly who sit in chairs doing nothing all day.
I've started a list of things that I would do if I didn't have to work every day:
- Spend more time with Rusty doing things (not just having her lie next to my desk as I work)
- Walk, run, paddle, bike more than the minimum I'm currently ticking over
- Travel
- Do online courses on different subjects for fun
- Read books to old folk who are no longer able to read
- Read stories to children - a morning/afternoon slot
- Get involved with a literacy programme
- Teach children and adults how to crochet and develop community projects
- Wash and groom dogs and cats at the local SPCA
- Get involved with or start a Funda Nenja branch in my town; a project that changes the lives of township children by teaching them dog care, training and ownership
- Be a volunteer sports coach at any school that needs me
- Create maps - lots of them!
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
First Aid Level 1 up-to-date
This time around, they were offering a blended course with the theory component online (approx 10hrs) and then only one half-day with them to practice CPR and scenarios.
I thoroughly enjoyed the online content, which was well presented and it used images and videos effectively. There were questions to answer at the end of each section. In class, we practiced CPR on the dummies and various scenarios with each other. We were assessed on a theory paper, doing CPR and how we dealt with a scenario.
All-in-all it was a good experience and I can highly recommend doing your next first aid course this way, especially if you have done first aid courses multiple times over the years.
I am in-line to do a Wilderness First Aid Level 3 in November-ish, which I'm looking forward to. I haven't done a Level 3 since the early 2000s!
JHB International Flower Show collaboration with The Garden Girl
After five days of exhibiting at Decorex two weeks ago, things have moved along very speedily and I'm really excited about the direction that things are going.
Last year I met 'The Garden Girl', a Joburg-based landscaper, when my pink-and-grey YOLO Compost Tumblers caught her attention. Her company colours are pink and grey. Danielle (aka 'Dan') does a lot of residential work and my compost tumblers fit in perfectly - she has installed a couple of tumblers for her clients. From the get go, we connected.
I follow Dan's 'The Garden Girl' Facebook page and just love her before-and-after photographs. What I appreciate most is how she uses clean lines, simple upgrades, existing materials and clever use of practical plants and flowers to create a garden that is pleasing - a space that can be used and enjoyed.
She recently assisted a client with a small project where the client sent Dan a photo or the space they wanted to improve, and Dan sent back a 3D rendering and instructions on what plants to use and how to create the improvement. I just loved it!
When I moved to Parys, I totally revamped my front 'garden' by creating a geometric pattern with 'quadrants' using gumpoles - there are two identical shapes on either side of the walkway. The big oak trees on the pavement creates dense shade throughout the summer and so plants don't do very well here. I'm not big into watering or maintenance, which doesn't help either. I've got existing plants and newly planted plants... all in all it is not what I envisaged and it looks scruffy when I wanted neat-and-tidy.
I emailed Dan before I went to Decorex to say, "I need your help please".
At Decorex, I met a lady from the Johannesburg International Flower Show (a different one to the lady that I'd been in contact with). Shelley had made a bee-line for our stand announcing, "You just have to have YOLO at the flower show!". She didn't yet know that I'd already had comms with the event; she specifically handles gardens and outdoors exhibits. Shelley suggested that I incorporate the compost tumblers into a garden display, which is something totally beyond my frame of reference. I got back from Decorex and called Dan.
The wheels turned quickly and the next day (last week only!) Dan met with Shelley to get the specs and rundown, during last week we whatsapp'd inspirational images to each other, and today Dan came through to Parys.
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Hanging with Dan the Garden Girl. |
She will rope her mom and dad into creating some of the bits that we'll need; I'll rope in my mom, Celliers and our factory to create others. Dan has things and I have things that we will incorporate and then there will be other items that we will need to borrow and source for the show. She is definitely the brains and skills behind this design and the implementation. I'll be a good assistant.
Tickets for the show are already on sale. This show is destined to become an annual feature event - to be South Africa's own 'Chelsea Flower Show'. Considering how well South African landscapers, designers and gardeners have done abroad, we will be in for a treat on home soil. There will be gardens to see, plant, flower- and garden-related items to purchase, live music to listen to, and workshops to attend. The Johannesburg Flower Show website is johannesburgflowershow.co.za
I have never been involved in anything like this before so it will be an exciting journey. We have two months to get the pieces together to create magic.
Sunday, 7 July 2019
Four Days on the Orange River
There are very few photographs of me as I took most of them! Here are two that Celliers took:
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Sunset posing |
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Cooking oats for breakfast with Ruben looking on. |
We had excellent paddling, some long days, great comraderie and superb food. With my big down sleeping bag, I slept snug despite the subzero overnight temperatures.
I've written a piece for our Vagabond Kayaks website, which I've pasted below. A stash of photographs are in an album on our Facebook page.
Are we going to go back? Of course! We've got dates scheduled for late September, over new year and for end March 2020.