Monday, 6 May 2019

43 Days of Running

I figured that it would be about time for my annual pre-birthday running game... Thank goodness I checked because it starts... TOMORROW!

I started this game when I turned 35, which makes this my 9th year of playing.

How this game works is that I have to run every day for the number of days of the age that I am turning, with the last day being on my birthday. Yes, this year I am turning 43.

In the past I've set minimum distance or time ... I generally look at a minimum of 4-5km. I often do more but I can't do less. Sometimes I do swap out activities, like if I do a long paddle instead of a run. I just don't have the time to paddle for an hour and run for an hour. But as running has always been my primary discipline, the bulk of my daily sessions is made up with running.

My mom is doing her own challenge this year, starting later this week (I think). She has a lot more days than me to do - leading up to her 67th birthday in July.

That's the joy of this game; you get more days as you get older, not less.

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