Monday, 20 August 2018

Parys parkrun cleanup

Two weeks ago we held a cleanup on the bottom section of our Parys parkrun route. Our route is open to the public and so it gets really littered.

Trash either comes from the fishermen along the bank, people passing through and those that take trash bags from outside houses and then rip through them in the area, leaving the contents on the floor. Yes, it is disgusting.

We arrange cleanups every few months as the municipality intermittently empties the few trash bins around but they don't pick up the rest of the rubbish.

During this cleanup, we filled something like 30 black bags with thanks to our parkrun volunteers.

Unfortunately this is something we're going to have to keep doing regularly because littering behaviours take a long, long time to change. A week after the cleanup there is already litter along the route - not as bad, but the start of it again. *sigh*

This section was my mission - under this big mulberry tree. Layers of trash! We did good here.

With half of the bags full of trash collected from the section around the three bridges and under the mulberry tree.
The ever supportive Parys Gazette featured our cleanup.
Another recent snippet in the paper ahead of our 200th Parys parkrun (which was on 11 Aug). Our 4th birthday is coming up soon.

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