Thursday 16 May 2024

Happy 1st birthday to my puppies

 I don't think I've posted about the three puppies that I fostered. The 4.5 months with them in my life, from August last year, was a bit of a blur. I did post about them on Facebook and I'll write about them here at some stage. I've had a post in mind of how one goes from one dog to six and then to four. haha haha

The short version is that I kept one of the puppies, Canada (I call her Cani). She has a bad heart condition and poor prognosis. She isn't expected to make more than two years. She has made her first birthday, and yesterday I celebrated the puppies' assigned birthday of 15 May with this post on FB.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Canada, Snow and Parker; the three puppies that I fostered. Today, they celebrate their 1st birthday.

Day 2 with the puppies on 16 August 2023. I could only just touch Canada. It took another few days to be able to touch Snow.

The puppies came to me on 15 August 2023 and were about three-months old, thus their birthday today on 15 May.

This little baby face. I used to nickname her 'Goblin'. With me for almost a week. 21 August 2023

Snow is living the best life with mom Carine in Cape Town. Snow loves her sister Sophie, is excelling at dog school, and she has a friend named Rooibos that goes to the same doggy daycare. Today, Snow, her mom and sister are out hiking in the mountains. I saw Snow twice in March and it was wonderful to see her.
Parker lives here in George. I haven't seen him since early December but via friends it seems that he is doing well. I have messaged his mom Sonja and I hope to see him soon.
Cani, 27 August 2023. A photo taken to try to find her a home.

Canada (I mostly call her 'Cani') stayed with me and is my big baby girl. In October last year, she went to a home. She spent one day and one night there, and then came back to me (she nipped the lady's hand, which was certainly by mistake - I think the lady did not release the treat she was giving Cani, and Cani is an enthusiastic treat eater). This was a fortuitous incident. As many friends have told me, "We knew Cani was going to stay with you".

This baby face. With me for two weeks. Learning to sit. 1 September 2023.

Cani is the most stranger wary and reactive of the puppies - a special girl who needs time, love and ongoing work in the socialisation space. She continues to improve.

She had such sweet baby fur on her head. Second outing to the park. Cani, 9 September 2023

At home, she gets on well with Rusty, Rosy and Bella. She showers Bella with kisses, tries to get Rosy to play with her, and is protective of Rusty. Cani is funny, outgoing, playful, curious, gentle and the most unbelievably affectionate dog. Her dream day would be to pin me down on the couch and to smother me in kisses and cuddles for hours. She doesn't just take love, she gives, gives, gives and then gives some more. She loves her granny Liz very much too. Their special time includes evening couch cuddles every day. From the terrified little girl that I couldn't stroke for days, to this bundle of affection. She is remarkable.

This girl loves to cuddle. A sign of things to come. With me for almost a month. 11 September 2023

Cani loves going out in the car whether errand running or going to the trails. She absolutely loves the trails and forests. She is smart, learns quickly and is a good listener. She aims to please.

Smiling and loving face - 13 September 2023

Cani has a serious heart condition - enlarged heart and ventricles, and a murmur so severe that you can feel the whooshing of blood. She is too high risk for anaesthetic. Despite a poor prognosis, she has no signs yet of heart failure. She is active and playful. I keep her active but am cautious not to let her overdo it. She does love to run.

This baby body. 13 September 2023

Happy birthday my babies. My heart has so much love for these three dogs - the first puppies that I have raised. I am blessed to have Cani in my arms and heart everyday.

An outing in the forest. 8 April 2024. Cani is bigger than her siblings and a bit taller than Rusty.
I wake up to this. She sleeps in her own bed for most of the night and then comes to cuddle in the morning. She waits for my alarm to go off and then the active giving of love starts. I love to wake up to this face. I've never been crazy about dogs on beds. But let's just say that my resolve has been dissolved. This face! 14 May 2024.

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