Monday, 13 November 2023

Seychelles Day 6: Salazie trail

Today I went to the Botanical Gardens. While the place is well kept and the staff were super friendly and helpful, my expectations were not met for what I think a Botanical Gardens should present to a visitor. My approach would be like a zoo for plants... Monkeys together, antelope together, cats together...

Still, I enjoyed the walk around. My favourite sighting was the flower of a cannonball tree. It isn't indigenous but was really amazing to see.

An environmental time capsule sealed in 1994 and to be opened 3 June 2044. It was sealed by the then Foreign Affairs Minister (also seems to be minister for Planning and Environment). This was Daniele de St Jorre. My grandmother was a de St Jorre and Danielle was her first cousin (parents were siblings).

Then I hit the Salazie trail - another out-and-back. If I can fault any trails here, it is for the lack of loops and abundance of out-and-back. 
This one is the most user and runner friendly of all the trails so far. Mostly jeep track. An abandoned tea plantation (steep slopes that must have been terraced) and now there is a reforestry pilot project going on. 

Some ups, some downs, some flats and mostly shaded and pretty.

Some streams for fresh drinking water. 
The last 500m towards Fairview is single track and mostly steep down, which means when you turn to come back it is steep uphill. 

I'm really enjoying the climbs and probably went up faster than I went down. This trail really is a win. Sure, it doesn't have the spectacular views of the others, but it is very soothing and lush and green and peaceful.

I parked up the road at a historic site - graves from the late 1880s of liberated African slave children and those of British Superintendents from the mission school (children died young from diphtheria, dysentery and appendicitis) - a well-tended, peaceful spot.

Tomorrow is my last day on Mahe (off to La Digue on Wednesday afternoon) and I'm thinking to hit Trois Frere and Mt Morne. The trails are steep up and down (no surprise) with the trailheads near each other.

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